Thursday, June 30, 2011

The British School Musical

Tonight we had the opportunity to attend our daughter's British school's end-of-the-year musical.

What a fabulous production!

Let me note some curious differences that American school parents might really appreciate.

#1.  Upon arriving at the school we were offered a glass of wine.

#2.  The girls wore simple costumes, mostly from their own wardrobes.

#3.  It was based loosely on the show "Glee", with grade levels sort-of "competing" with one another through their songs, with a story line weaved into the production.

#4.  There were no parents up on stage, no parents perhaps even back stage.

#5.  The set was made up of 3 simple pieces - 2 trees and a banner.

#6.  The music teacher played the accompanying piano and other little tunes, but the show was essentially the girls singing.

#7.  Did I mention yet there was no parent stress here? No hours of costume creation or a huge check written out for the costume?  No parent volunteers greeting at the door or seating you or backstage or in front of the stage directing or planning or organizing or making programs or anything?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ricki:
    Oh, my gosh, this and everything else you've written about sounds like so much fun! It has long been my opinion that the Brits, French and Europeans in general have things "figured out" in a way that we Americans do not - and you have just confirmed this for me! You are very wise to allow Jonah to explore on his own, what's the point of living in a big city with awesome mass transit if you don't take advantage of it!
    Hope the summer is going well for you, send an e-mail and let me know when you might be in Edina.
    Cathy FUller
