Monday, March 18, 2013

Adventures in Employment?

In this post....why it takes two years to find a job

Even prior to arriving here in the UK, I had aspirations of going back to work.  Nothing full-time, heaven knows I often feel overwhelmed in my current (unpaid) position as mom, chef, calendar manager, housecleaner, laundry queen, homework tutor, travel planner, appointment maker, thing finder and stuff getter.
When we applied to the school the children currently attend, I proudly added "interested in substitute teaching...hold a Master's degree in education" to the application email.  Great help that was.  No one inquired about my experience.
Therefore, it was my goal, after settling down our family in this new country, to pursuit some sort of work or volunteer occupation.  After all, settling in would only take a few weeks, right?!
Not for our family.  We arrived in March of 2011.  We settled, with some difficulties and frustrations, into a townhome that we didn't love.  We embraced it, however, and made the best of it.  The children did not get spots at schools which meant that I home schooled them that spring.  Only our daughter found a place at a sweet British school around the corner for the end of the school year (end of May - mid July).  We returned for a long visit home to MN that summer.  Upon returning to London in August of 2011, the big adjustment was to the new school.  A large school is a complicated, interesting place, and it takes a while to figure out the system, the activities, the organization of family life within that school.  Once we had that settled, January 2012 presented us with a letter of renewal for our tenancy in the townhouse.  Hmmmm.  We had embraced it!  We had made the best of it!  But...we really didn't have to stay there, now did we?  We didn't own the place!  So I decided to just look at what was out there.  And wow, some very interesting and appealing places were out there!  Next thing we know, we are planning a move for the first week of April.  Upsetting the family again!!
In the meantime, husband had a job change - same company, just a different position and a different location.  Praise God, the location happened to be very near our new townhouse.  Once again, after we moved, feeling just settled, it was time for our MN summer home visit!!  This takes us to late August 2012.  This is when I learn that I have a recurrent hernia.  And with navigating the medical systems here (private or public?), it took time.  These silly hernias turned out to be a type which needs sooner rather than later surgery.  Ugh!!  In October 2012 I had two hernias repaired.  Hopefully for the last time.
All of this is to say that it was not until January 2013 that I actually felt ready to pursuit employment.  A chance meeting with the principal of the school set the process in motion.  There was a great deal of paperwork, training, background checks, a medical examination and other miscellaneous requirements to complete.  Hooray, finally, I'm happy to report that I think I'm cleared to work!  It won't be often, as I plan to only sub in my areas of licensure.  However, to start off with, occasional work will be much welcomed.
I am looking forward to helping at the school and ensuring that the curriculum set forth by the classroom teacher is continued as smoothly as possible in his or her absence.
This morning I went to New Scotland Yard and had a full set of fingerprints done.  Not digitally either, like those cool little scanning machines they have at airport security (we have to be fingerprinted in this way every time we re-enter the UK).  These fingerprints were old-school, with real ink on all of my fingers!  You should have seen my hands afterwards!  Yuck!  And now they get sent to the FBI.  How cool is that?
Yes, folks, this is why it has taken two years to get back into subbing.  I'm super excited about it and hope it will go great!

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