Thursday, November 14, 2013

the TO DO list: how to begin to prepare to move your family abroad for an ex-pat assignment

Here's another draft that never got published on the blog! - from just after we moved to London, now 2.5 years ago….

some of our to dos:

--tell the kids....a friend of mine told each of them individually and then they had a family meeting afterwards.  We told ours all at the same time and one was very upset, and I think that made the others upset as well.  So I would recommend her idea of telling each one alone first.

--inform family & friends

--inform school and all activities you and your children are involved in

--post about our house on your networking sights (facebook, etc) and in a mass email

--prep house for rent or sale

--purge purge purge 
   THIS WAS A BIG one, and the movement of our stuff was stressful - some went on Craig's list, other stuff went to donations, lots in the trash, some to the cabin, some to family members, then you need to decide what will go in the surface shipment (furniture and most stuff) and what will go in your air shipment (a few basic kitchen items, favorite books/toys, extra clothes, etc.) - what will go into storage (we also made a storage area in our basement and blocked it off) essentially your house will be in piles for what seems like is messy but you'll get through it!
Also figure out if you want to get rental furniture after your stuff ships...we didn't, we only had 10 days without beds, and we borrowed airbeds from neighbors.  I'll talk to you this when you guys get more info...

--set up management company (if renting your home while away on the ex-pat assignment)

--buy good rain gear, or other clothing you will need for the climate change, stock up on things you can't live without that you won't get easily there

--get car detailed and ready for sale

--look into activities for the kids (sports, music, etc)
  You won't believe how much time you will spend on-line.  We're so lucky to have these resources but it does kill a lot of time!

--Check into books from the library or on-line that have to do with your location:  I found a "Living and Working in London" book, a couple videos on travel in London that we watched as a family, some books about moving that I left laying around for the kids, some books about London/England, I picked up a Time Out London and a Frommer's London with Kids, ETC. 

--see what electronics you can bring and what you can't

--get transformers and adapters

--think about your wants/needs list for housing, and begin looking on line a bit for ideas, options

--Cell phone - US and there?  Get this set up as soon as possible

--bank accounts in the new country - get this going as soon as possible

--SCHOOLS for the children - this will determine where you want to seek housing

--internet service/cable company provider?

--consider Vonage - allows you to keep your US home phone # through your computer - 30$/mo.

--Child care needs for week of move and other

--dentist/doctors here and there - get copies of records if needed

--cancel memberships to everything

--buy suitcases for everyone

--change of address

--set of keys to neighbor

--finalize bill/payment plans for utilities, memberships, etc.

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