Monday, May 30, 2011

Do I really live here?

We've been here two months now.   And I'm finally beginning to feel like we really live here, and here's why: 

--I finally have a UK credit card!  You know, the ones with the computer chip - no signing, I plug the card into the machine, punch in a code and voila, purchase complete!

--I've found a babysitter!  Now we are nearly out of the babysitter years, as JD is now 12 and a half, but we don't leave them long, usually an hour or so, watching a movie or something...and sometimes you need more than that!  To boot, she's une francaise - a French babysitter, who will only speak French to the kids, in the tiny hopes that they can jump back into the French immersion track when we return.

--We've become members at the London Zoo.  Just a short walk away, the London Zoo is credited with being the first in the world to use the term ZOO and the term AQUARIUM, and since they opened in 1828, well, they've certainly been around a while...

--We've obtained a "Family and Friends Railway Pass" which gives us rail discounts - and we put it to use in our first out-of-London adventure when we explored the city of Bath a few days ago.  

--We've had our first American visitor (thanks Stacey!!) we must really live here, huh?  Sometimes it seems like a foggy dream.

--I possess library cards, I have figured out my grocery delivery, the kids are signed up for activities, I no longer convert everything to dollars (it's way too scary expensive), we nailed pictures to the walls...we know several neighbors, hubby bikes to work in downtown London...

--I think            we                 are              nearly                         settled!!!

1 comment:

  1. Credit and Library cards - You really DO live there now! Haha...

    Yes, converting is scary but eventually you will just get used to it, and before you know it you will be converting everything to pounds. : D AND when you return home to MN, you will feel like everything is so darn cheap!!
