Sunday, May 15, 2011

We're "home"?

After five and a half weeks here, we finally have a place that we are calling "home"!! 
-we moved into our townhome and got our shipment on the 3rd of May.
-the boys have both had visits at a private school, we are just waiting to hear "results"
-we continue to enjoy exploring (on weekends especially)
-JD began a soccer program (Weds and Sats right behind our house at Primrose Hill)
-we're getting to know local life like where to bring dry cleaning, how to have groceries delivered, using the library, etc!
-The door to door commute for hubby seems to be about 30-40 minutes, although it is 4.5 miles.  Our neighbor bikes and he may do that eventually - we all want bikes!
We are located in the borough of Camden, but across the street is Westminster - we're really on the border.   It's a quiet area, pretty boring actually.  Although walking to and from swimming for AD today we couldn't help notice the two armed guards in front of a house on the way, and when we got home we googled the address, and it is the Israeli Ambassador's residence.  Hmmm.
Our move-in day was the first day that we saw anything from our container-surface shipment!  I know we were all very thrilled to find familiar items, especially to sleep in our own beds for the first time. 
Having missed our first move in date of the 21st of April because of the garage and other issues - that delay made us all the more thrilled to be here.  We've learned it was most likely our relocation agency that did not include use of the garage in the lease that they created.  However the rental agency also didn't "ask" if we as tenants were okay with them using the garage to store their furniture.  In any case, it was a miscommunication on both sides, but luckily hubby's company is going to have the items that didn't fit put into storage for us (JP's queen sized bed did not go up to the 3rd floor, neither did AD's double boxspring, and a couple chairs and small tables and a desk did not fit either, but all in all, our stuff actually works okay in this space!).  We've met some nice neighbors, and walking to school (eventually I hope!), soccer for JD, and swimming for AD all seem to work well.
The space is small, but being spread over three floors makes it seem a bit bigger.  The kids have the 3rd level (2 bedrooms and a bathroom)- and to be honest I can't hear them when I'm on the main/first floor!!  Could be a bonus!  Guests will take AD's room and there is plenty of room for her to sleep in the boys' room. 
There is a nice American family with 4 boys across from us (aged 10, 8, 5, and 2).  They have a trampoline in their patio area and our kids are over there every day!  Another American family also has two boys (14 and 10) and also have a trampoline - our kids are in heaven!
The 2nd level is the master and a bathroom/laundry and a WC.  Main floor we have kitchen, dining area and a living area - an open floor plan which is nice - all of the other places I saw had kitchens with doors on them (totally cut off from the house - very European like).  Our main struggle so far has been - where in the world do we put anything that was in our basement, or our entry closet, or our garage - since we have NONE of those!?  Slowly but surely, we carving out space.  It is definitely a bonus to have a patio and a bit along the side of the house (because we're an end unit) where the kids can get fresh air.  In our courtyard for the buildings, there is a big sign that says "Absolutely no bikes, scooters or ball games of ANY KIND".... yes those signs are pretty much in any area that is not a private yard or a large park.  Luckily the park is just a few blocks away!! 
It's weird to not have a car - we love the walking and taking the subway.  We walk EVERYWHERE.  But the challenge is, I used to fill my van up with STUFF from shopping/errands, and now I have to actually physically transport all of that - or have it delivered.  This is a very effective way to re-think consumerism.  No more, "oh I'll just throw this into the cart, it's cheap, why not?"  As far as carrying everything, I think I'll do the delivery!!
There really are a lot of Americans in this area because of the American School.  We're still waiting on school news, and homeschooling has been a challenge because of, well, the fact that we didn't have a home and have been living out of suitcases!  I hope it will go better starting next week when we are really settled in.  I did ask our relocation agent, "What do most people do, if you come mid-year like this, and you don't get into any schools?"  She said they just send them to far-away schools or city schools - neither of which I'd want to do.  But we've got our fingers crossed for a couple of our private school choices.  JD said he thought the academic level was nothing to brag about, after his visit today; and that the assessments they gave him were not that difficult (however he has not been known to be the most humble, so I'm not sure what to make of it - we'll wait and see!).  AND when JP had his day visit, the gal who greeted me, who is Associate Dean of Admissions, is from MN.  She's been here 12 years now.   She said they have two teachers on staff from Minnesota.   
Well, I'm sure that this is more than you all wanted to read, but it's been a busy, exhausting, emotional couple of weeks.  Good thing we had that little wedding in there to take our minds off of things! 

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